App Engine
Application Engine is a PeopleTool designed to help you develop, test, and
run background SQL processing programs. PeopleSoft Application Engine is
the PeopleTool that you use to develop batch or online programs that perform
high-volume, background processing against your data.
Bulk Insert is also ignored when all three of the
following conditions are true: the database platform is Oracle, the record
contains and EFFDT field (effective date), and the record contain a Mobile trigger. This is required because Oracle does not
allow the reading of mutating tables in a row trigger. You should consider
using this feature only when the INSERT SQL is called multiple times in the
absence of intervening Commits
Set processing is an SQL technique used to process
groups, or sets of rows at one time rather than processing each row
individually. Set processing enables you to apply your business rule
directly on the data (preferably while it resides in a temporary table) in the
database using an update or insert/select statement. Most of the performance
gain is because the processing occurs in the database instead of loading the
data into the application program, processing it, and then inserting the
results back into the database tables. Because the data never leaves the
database with set processing (whether it remains in the same table), you
effectively eliminate the network round trip and database API overhead.
Because the updates in set processing occur
within the database, PeopleSoft encourages you to use temporary tables to hold
transient data while your program runs. Although temporary tables are not
required for set processing, they are often essential to achieve optimum
performance in your batch program.
you select the ReUse property for you SQL Action, %BIND fields are
substituted with literal values in the SQL statement. This means that the
database has to recompile the statement every time it is executed. However,
selecting ReUse converts any %BIND fields into real bind variables (:1, :2, and
so on), enabling Application Engine to compile the statement once, dedicate a
cursor, and re-execute it with new data multiple times. This reduction in
compile time can result in dramatic improvements to performance.
One key feature of PeopleSoft Application Engine is its
built-in checkpoint/restart capabilities. If there is an
abnormal termination (abend) or failure on a step in the program, the end user
can restart the request from the last successful checkpoint, or the step
immediately preceding the step that failed. The end user restarts the program
from the Process Request page.
The commit level you select plays a major role in how restart works in a program. Each time that PeopleSoft Application Engine issues a commit with restart enabled, it records the current state of the program. The recording of the current state that PeopleSoft Application Engine performs is referred to as a checkpoint.
The commit level you select plays a major role in how restart works in a program. Each time that PeopleSoft Application Engine issues a commit with restart enabled, it records the current state of the program. The recording of the current state that PeopleSoft Application Engine performs is referred to as a checkpoint.
ability for Application Engine to “remember” what steps have already completed
and which steps have not depends on an important record called
AERUNCONTROL—keyed by Process Instance. When a program runs, each time
PeopleSoft Application Engine issues a commit it also saves all of the
information required for a program restart in the AERUNCONTROL
6. What
the difference between %Select, %SelectInit & InsertSelect?
to fetch value
if the SELECT returns no rows, %SelectInit reinitializes the buffers
will select & insert
7. App
engine Peoplecode functions?
SQL Functions: %Bind, %Execute Edits,
%Select, %SelectInit, %SQL, %Table, %TruncateTable, %UpdateStats
Functions: CallAppEngine, CommitWork, GetAESection
People Soft allows multiple long
fields per State Record? False
Maximum number of Actions in a Step?
are 8 actions available. But we can use only 7 actions in 1 step. They are
(or) Call Section (We can use only one of this two)
Code 3.Log Message 4.Do Select 5.Do When 6.Do While 7.Do Until
Two Program views of AE Program?
Program flow
State Record can be Dynamic Record?
if you don't have restart enabled, state record can be dynamic.
In Call Section – Action it is
possible to leave the Program ID with blank Value in certain cases?
Answer is True, as many times you will call section from the same App Engine.
In such scenario, the Program Id can be blank
Meta-SQL where is it stored? Temp Table
How many temporary records are there
in app engine?
There can be n number of Temporary
tables, but App. engine. Creates up to 99 instances for a single temporary
Why state records are needed?
records are used in Application engine development and customization. Basically
they are used to pass the values (variables, database field) from section to
another section, from action to another action. Each application engine can
have multiple state records but there will be only one default state record. It
can be a SQL table or derived table. All state record ends with _AET.
Why temporary records are needed?
programs run in batch mode so the multiple instances of the same program get
created and due to this the deadlock situation can come. To avoid this
situation peoplesoft provides the concept of temp tables i.e. the data that
needs to be updated by the AP program is stored in the temp tables. This avoids
the situation where the programs fetches the row one by one, process it, and then
send the updated data back. By creating temp tables you can store the data that
is affected by business logic in the temp table and then you can perform the
operations on it instead of the main table. Once the processing is completed
you can send the data back to the main table.
Differences between State and
temporary records?
a. 1 State record at any
point of time has only single line information, as it's driven by the
Process_Instance as key field. While temp table can have multiple rows.
2. State record had only single instance, while the temp table can have maximum of 99 instances.
3. State record is used for restart logic.
4. State record can be used for dynamically calling AE section, by adding AE_SECTION, AE_APPLID as fields. Temp table cannot be used.
2. State record had only single instance, while the temp table can have maximum of 99 instances.
3. State record is used for restart logic.
4. State record can be used for dynamically calling AE section, by adding AE_SECTION, AE_APPLID as fields. Temp table cannot be used.
How do you debug your AE?
Schedule>process> Select Process Name
In the page select "Over Ride
*Parameters List > Append >
Different ways to run AE, SQR?
SQR: command line (sqrw.exe), process
scheduler & peoplecode AE: commandline (psae.exe), process scheduler,
peoplecode-callappengine (aename,st-rec)