payroll important questions

payroll important questions
1.What is payee?
Ans: This refers both Employees and Non-employees.

2.What is Business Unit?
Ans: An identification code that represent the high level organization of Business Information. We can use a Bus. Unit or represent regional or departmental units with in  a larger organization.

3.What is Pay Entity?
Ans: Controlling level with in the system.
Defines the organization making payment to the Payee.

4. What is Setid?
Ans: An identification code that represent a set of control table information or table sets.

5.What is table loading sequence?
Ans:     1. Setting up fundamental HRMS tables.
            2. Setting PeopleSoft Human Resource Tables.
3. Setting Tables for PeopleSoft products that are integrated with PeopleSoft Global Payroll.
4. Setting up PeopleSoft Global Payroll core application tables.

6. What is Element?
Ans: This is the smallest component of PeopleSoft Global Payroll, and it is used in defining calculation rules to process Payroll.
Pay items are called as elements using these we build rules that determine what payroll or absence components are calculated on a payee-by-payee basis.

7. What is Process List?
Ans: Determines what elements to be processed during the payrun and order of processing.
Specifies the process in which gross and net pay elements are processed and resolved.

8. What is Payroll Processing?
Ans:     1. Determines which Payee are to be paid for each Payroll run.
            2. Running Payroll calculation process.
3. Rerunning the Payroll calculation process, if necessary until you obtain the correct rules.
4. Finalizing the Payroll run.
5. Performed Post Processing functions such as banking, reporting and generating Pay slips.

9. What is Pay Group?
Ans: Logical grouping to quality individual for payment.

10. What is Eligibility Group?
Ans: This is grouping of Element Groups. This indicates the specific element for which a certain Payee population is eligible.

11. What is Element Group?
Ans: This is method of assigning a large number of elements to many eligibility groups with out repeating the elements in each and every Eligibility group.

12. What are Calendars?
Ans: The calendars control who is to be paid and what amount is to be paid and for which time the payment is being made.

13. What is Absence Event?
Ans: The consecutive period of time that Payee is absent for some reason.

14. What is Entitlement?
Ans: The amount of period time-off that a Payee is entitled to take  for each category of absence.

15. What is Entitlement Balance?
Ans: The amount of unused Entitlement.

SQR Questions

SQR Questions
1.     Ask Input difference?
a.     ASK - compile time commands (which is used to get input from the user)
b.     Input - run time command  (which is used to get input from the user)
2.     Load-lookup? Where to place in sqr?
a.     Load-lookup - used like an array (see the SQRs book which u have) it should be given in the setup section
b.     The LOAD-LOOKUP command defines an array containing a set of keys and values and loads it into memory. The LOOKUP command looks up a key in the array and returns the associated value. In some programs, this technique performs better than conventional tables join
c.     You can use LOAD-LOOKUP in the SETUP section or in a procedure. If used in the SETUP section, it is processed only once. If used in a procedure, it is processed each time it is encountered.
d.     LOAD-LOOKUP retrieves two fields from the database, the KEY field and the RETURN_VALUE field. Rows are ordered by KEY and stored in an array. The KEY field must be unique and contain no NULL values.
e.     When the LOOKUP command is used, the array is searched (using a "binary" search) to find the RETURN_VALUE field corresponding to the KEY referenced in the lookup.
3.     What is the standard SQC?
a.     Prcsdef.sqc, Prcsapi.sqc, Setenv.sqc, Stdapi.sqc
b.     SQC - Structured Query Language (SQR) common code file.
4.     What is diff b/w show and display?
a.     One field at a time is display and show many fields at a time.
5.     How to create multiple reports?
a.     SQR enables you to define HEADING and FOOTING sections for each report. This example defines only the heading and footing for the listing report, because the other two reports do not use them. The FOR-REPORTS option of the BEGIN-HEADING and BEGIN-FOOTING commands specifies the report name. The parentheses are required. Note that the USE-REPORT command is not needed in the heading or the footing. The report is implied by the FOR-REPORTS option.
b.     Writing multiple reports simultaneously with one program reduces database queries.
c.     You can define separate reports in the SETUP section.
d.     USE-REPORT sets the printing context for each report.
The FOR-REPORTS option of BEGIN-HEADING and BEGIN-FOOTING defines headings and footings for individual reports

PeopleCode Interview questions

PeopleCode Interview questions

1.     What is the buffer class?
a.     There are four data buffer classes. These are the foundation for accessing Component Buffer data.
b.      Rowset - It is made up of a collection of rows. A component scroll is a rowset.
c.      Row – It is instantiated from the Row class, is a single row of data that consists of one to n records of data.
d.      Record – It is instantiated from the Record Class. It is a single instance of data within a row and is based on a Record definition.
e.     Field – It is instantiated from the Field Class. It is a single instance of data within a record and is based on a field definition.
2.     What diff b/w fieldedit and change?
a.     FieldChange Event: This event is associated with two definitions – Record Field and Component Record Field. The FieldChange event fires on the specific field and row that just changed. It is used to perform processing that results from a field change other than data validation. It is mostly coupled with RowInit PeopleCode. RowInit handles the situation at the time of row initialization, as FieldChange event is not fired at that time. Error or warnings cannot be given in FieldChange
b.     FieldEdit Event: This event is associated with two definitions – Record Field and Component Record Field. This event is mainly used for validation. If the entered data is to be checked then you can write a PeopleCode in this event. The main difference between FieldChange and FieldEdit is that unlike FieldChange Errors and Warnings are valid in FieldEdit and FieldEdit fires after FieldChange event. The FieldEdit event fires on the specific field and row that just changed. In this event only one field is checked. If the application requires all fields to be checked then it is convenient to write the PeopleCode in SaveEdit event.
3.     Diff on SearchSave and SearchInit?
a.     SearchSave: Executed after the user Okays the search dialog. Use: It is used to force an operator to enter value into at least one search field.
b.     SearchInit: When: Generated just before a SearchDialog is displayed. Use: Controls processing before values are entered for search keys in search dialog box.
4.     What is the diff b/w SaveEdit and Fieldedit?
a.     SaveEdit: When: Writing peoplecode for validation for more than one field. It triggers peoplecode for every row of data in its buffers. This includes all panels in a panel group.
b.     FieldEdit: User edits the field. Use: To validate contents of a field
5.     How to implement a Modal Component?
a.     DoModalComponent launches a modal component. The modal component launches from within an originating component. Once the modal component displays, the user can't proceed with changes to the originating component until either accepting or canceling the modal component.
b.     Modal components can be displayed in any of the following action modes: Add, Update/Display, Update/Display All, and Correction. A modal component can be launched from any component, including another modal component. You can use DoModalComponent from a secondary page.
6.     PeopleCode variables (global, component, local, and parameter), method, and property names can now be up to characters long? Ans 1000
7.     DoSave () can be called from one of the following events?
a.     FieldEdit, FieldChange, or MenuItemSelected PeopleCode.
8.     PSWORKLIST record is used for workflow routing. It should contain minimum of?
9.     Which one of the following PeopleCode debugging tools automatically converts values of any data type other than object into string values for viewing during debugging?  WinMessage.
10.  What is the minimum number of objects an object group can consist of? 19
11.  Where do you set PeopleCode trace?
a.     Configuration Manager and application server. We can also do this for app engine at Peopletools-process scheduler- processes (select the app engine name), options tab-choose append- write - value TRACE
12.   What is scroll?
a.     It’s a place where you can show/add the structured data of a table/record. The multiple layers in a scroll show the rows in a record. We multiples scrolls that help us to work with parent and child records.
13.   What is scroll Path?
a.     A scroll path is a construction found in the parameter lists of many component buffer functions, which specifies a scroll level in the currently active page. Additional parameters are required to locate a row or a buffer field at the specified scroll level.
14.  What is scroll select, etc?
a.     ScrollSelect function selects records from a table and loads them into the scroll buffer area of a page. In parent/Child relationships, ScrollSelect chooses all corresponding child rows and inserts them under the next higher-level row. The function requires the specification of the target scroll area, a source record from which to select rows and an optional SQL string. The parameters passed to ScrollSelect vary based on the scroll level at which the function is targeted.
b.     Level 1 ScrollSelect (1, RECORD.target_recname, RECORD.sel_recname);
c.     Level 2 ScrollSelect (2, RECORD.level1_recname, RECORD.target_recname, RECORD.sel_recname);
d.     Level3ScrollSelect (3, RECORD.level1_recname, RECORD.level2_recname, RECORD.target_recname, RECORD.sel_recname);
15.  What is the difference between a Grid and a scroll?
a.     Scroll area is used to maintain parent child relationship we insert grid in low level scroll
b.     Example: assume we have 3 scroll levels in our page level1, level2 and level3 we insert grid in level 3
16.  How many Grids can we insert in a single component or page?
a.     Many at same scroll level
17.  Tell me about component Buffer?
a.     Component stores all page related information in one set of record buffers, organized by scroll level and then by page level. This component buffer consists of rows of buffer fields that hold data for the various records that are associated with page controls, including the primary records, related display records, derived work records, and translate table records.
18.   Which one of the following PeopleCode events should NOT contain the WinMessage function?
a.     SavePreChange
19.   Which one of the following PeopleCode events can run in both two-tier and three-tier environments on either the client or application server?

a.     SavePostChange

Integration Broker Interview questions

General/Peopletools Questions

General/Peopletools Questions
1.     Def b/w temporary tables and derived work?
a.     Temporary tables needs to be build and derived need not to be build
2.     What is the diff b/w standard and non-standard SQL?
a.     While creating new table by default it is standard SQL, which will give PS_xxxxx while building the table
b.     If non-standard SQL u can give the name and in that name record will be created in the backend anyhow check with this...
3.     How to create component without a search dbox?
a.     Don’t give the search keys and list box item should not be given in search record for that component.
4.     What is the purpose of File layout?
a.     It is used to map the legacy file to the PS table structure. For importing purpose thru AE, Ci we use this.
5.     If there is more than one table involved in a grid, how does one access the values using scroll or Rowset methods?
6.     If a field’s processing mode is set to Deferred or Interactive which one will take precedence?
a.     Field, page, component
7.     What is the use of 'Set control Field' in Record field properties?
a.     .
8.     What difference does it make when a component is saved/built at the client level or Application level?
a.     None
9.     What is the difference between search record and Add search record?
a.     Specify the search record for this component
b.     Specify if you want a different search record specifically for add actions. For example, if you selected the auto-numbering option for employee IDs (EMPLID), don’t include EMPLID in the search record. Likewise, you might want to create special security views for add actions that limit the rows that users can add, based on specific search criteria. The system default is the standard search record if you don’t specify an add search record.
10.  How to use a Dynamic prompt table? What we need to...
a.     In order to use a dynamic prompt table; the field that is going to have the dynamic prompt must point to a field in the DERIVED record. The prompt table can be dynamically assigned with the following code.
b.     If(condition) %derivedrecordfield.value=promttable1 else derivedrecordfield.value=promttable2 end-if;
11.  What are the think-time functions?
a.     Think time functions are DoModal, WinMessage, messagebox, DoCancel and Exec.... think time function are cannot write following events save prechange, rowselect, savepostchange, workflow.
12.  What happens if you don't specify a Search Record for a Component?
a.     The search record has to be specified else component definition cannot be saved. If the component design is such that no search record is needed to be specified then give the search record as "INSTALLATION". It directly loads the actual page without going to the search page with the information on the page referring to the user who is currently logged in to the Peoplesoft portal
13.  DDDAudit what is it?
a.     DDD Audit is a SQR used to find the inconsistencies between the data structures defined in Peopletools table against the underlying database.
b.     SYS Audit is an SQR used to compare the different people tools tables and find inconsistencies like orphaned objects ex. Peoplecode not attached to any record etc.,
14.  Prompt table with no edit to no edit?
a.     User can enter values from prompt table b) user can enter values from prompt table and default value will be populated
15.  Changing Prompt Table with NO Edit to Prompt Table with Edit?
a.     Only selection of existing data is possible.
16.   Which one of the following tree types is NOT supported in the PeopleSoft tree manager?
a.     Combination trees
17.   What is the minimum number of objects an object group can consist of?
a)    19
18.   Which of the following menu options allows you to modify the Last Process Instance Number used within the system?
a)    Process Scheduler, Use, Process System
19.   Which one of the following PeopleCode debugging tools automatically converts values of any data type other than object into string values for viewing during debugging
a)    ExpandBindVar
20.   Which one of the following PeopleSoft Objects CANNOT be locked by developers as part of Change Control Locking as displayed above?
a)    Process Definitions
21.   What application server service initiates a COBOL program to run a transaction?
a)    Remote call
22.   Which one of the following files is NOT stored in the process scheduler-logging directory?
a)    Application server log
23.    Different types of Edits?
a)    Prompt Table with No Edit: Provides users with a list of suggested values, but does not edit the contents of the field against the prompt table. Users can enter any value. Selecting this option makes the Prompt Table field available.
b)    Prompt Table Edit: Edits the contents of the field against the values that are maintained in the specified prompt table. Selecting this option activates the Prompt Table field. When you enter a prompt table name and exit the field by pressing TAB, Set Control Field becomes activated.
c)     Translate Table Edit: Edits the contents of the field against the translate table. The translate table stores values for fields that must be validated but don’t need individual tables of their own. If you select this option, Prompt Table and Set Control Field become unavailable.
d)    Yes/No Table Edit: Makes the values for this field Y (yes) and N (no) only. If you select this option, Prompt Table and Set Control Field become unavailable. 1/0 Table Edit (1-True,0-False)
24.   The major types of Trees that can be created using the Tree Manager?
a.     Detail Trees, Summary Trees, Node Oriented Trees, Reporting Trees
25.   The major types of Trees that can be created using the Tree Manager?
a.     Detail Trees, Summary Trees, Node Oriented Trees, Reporting Trees

Select to identify the field as the search criteria that uniquely identify each row. You cannot have duplicate values for primary keys. For example, EMPLID is the only key to the PERSONAL_DATA record definition. Therefore, EMPLID must be a unique value for each employee and there can be only one PERSONAL_DATA row per employee.
Duplicate Order Key
Select to indicate that duplicate values can occur. The order in which you place duplicate order keys in a field list determines the order in which duplicate keys are retrieved.
Alternate Search Key
Select to identify the field as a key that provides an alternate path into the table data. Duplicate values are allowed in an alternate search key field. If you define a field as an alternate search key in a search record, when you bring up a page, the system prompts you to enter a key or alternate search key values.
Descending Key
Select to identify the field as descending if you want rows of data to be retrieved in reverse alphanumeric order (for example, 3, 2, and 1). If you clear this check box, the key is ascending, meaning that rows are stored and retrieved in alphanumeric order (for example, 1, 2, and 3). This option applies only to a field that is specified as a key, duplicate order key, or alternate search key. PeopleSoft uses descending order primarily for effective date fields; most character keys are ascending.
Search Key
Select to make the field available on the basic and advanced search or lookup pages. A search key is valid only for keys and should be used only in search and prompt records. If you select this check box, the system automatically selects List Box Item.
Search Edit
Enabled only if Search Key is selected. Selecting this option enforces the required property and table edits on the search page. It will also enforce these edits under circumstances where the search page would normally be bypassed. With this option, the user will no longer have the ability to perform partial searches on this field.
List Box Item
Select if you want the field to appear in the list box preceding a page. If a field has values in the translate table and you designate it as a list box item, the list box automatically shows the translated value instead of the code.
From Search Field and Through Search Field
Select for fields that are used as search records. If you select From Search Field, the displayed list contains rows in which the field value is greater than or equal to a value that the user enters. If you select Through Search Field, the displayed list contains rows in which the field value is less than or equal to a value that the user enters.
If you do not want these fields to be in a search list box, clear the List Box Item check box, even if the field is an alternate search key.
Default Search Field
Select to control which field name appears in the Search By drop-down list box on the basic search page.
Disable Advanced Search Options
Select to prevent run-time search pages from displaying advanced search features for this field.
The audit options apply only to data that is manipulated on a normal PeopleSoft application page through component processing. These options do not apply to data that is added using SQLExec in PeopleCode or by some other means. PSAUDIT logs the user ID, the date and time the field was modified, and the old and new values.
If you want to audit certain fields, regardless of the record definitions in which they’re included, you want to control when the fields are audited. If you want to audit several fields in a record definition, you might want to consider specifying audits at the record definition level.
Field Add
Audits this field whenever a new row of data is added.
Field Change
Audits this field whenever the contents are changed.
Field Delete
Audits this field whenever a row of data is deleted.