How to Skip a Search Record Prompt When You Know the keys

How to Skip a Search Record Prompt When You Know the keys
You have two settings to choose from: skip if possible (0) and force display (1).

If you use the skip if possible setting, then you need to have the keys. Assume your
keys are EMPLID, EMPL_RCD, and EFFDT. Here is what the SearchInit PeopleCode
would look like:

EMPLID = %EmployeeID;
EFFDT = &DateVariable;

Creating a new instance in Component Interface

Creating a new instance in Component Interface
The first job is to get a Component interface(CI) ,using GetCompIntfcfunction. This CI definition has already been created in the application designer.
Then the "Create Keys" are set,these are values which uniquely identifies each row of data.If any duplicate set of create key values occur,a runtime error occurs. After keying in the key values,the create method is used to populate the CI with the key values.This creates an instance of data.
Next the remaining fields of the row are entered.
Once all the values have been entered the new instance of data is saved.

Local ApiObject &MYSESSION;
Local ApiObject &CR;

&MYSESSION= %Session;
&CR.CR_EMP_ID = "101";

&CR.CR_PHONE_NO = "1234567890";


How to implement Record Level Audit in PeopleSoft

How to implement Record Level Audit in PeopleSoft
How to implement Record Level Audit in PeopleSoft .

Following are the steps for record level auditing .

1) Clone the record you wish to edit.

2) Add the audit fields: (Key Fields).
Check off the "system maintained" check mark on the record field properties.

3) Delete fields that won'™t be audited.

4) Remove all key structures.

5) Save and build the record.

6) Link the base record to the audit record.