what is the Difference between Prompt Table and Translate Table?

what is the Difference between Prompt Table and Translate Table?
         Prompt Table

                If you want to provide prompt support for a field based on the data
               stored in a separate table, enter the name of the table you want to use as the
                Prompt Table at: Record field properties - Edits - Prompt table.
                This will enable users to position their cursor on the field and press F4 to
                 prompt for a list of values stored on the table.

          Translate Table

                     The translate table is a table that stores values for fields that
                       need   to be validated but don't need individual tables of their own.  

What is the difference between DiscardRow() and StopFetching()?

What is the difference between DiscardRow() and StopFetching()?

A DiscardRow function in RowSelect PeopleCode causes the component processor to skip the current row of data and continue to process other rows.

A StopFetching statement causes the component processor to accept the current row of data and stop reading additional rows.

If  both statements are executed, the program skips the current row of data, then stops reading additional rows.

How is the difference between SaveEdit and FieldEdit?

How is the difference between  SaveEdit and FieldEdit?
SaveEdit and FieldEdit are both used for validation, but each one is performed at a different time.
 SaveEdit is performed when the operator saves.
FieldEdit is performed when the operator changes a field. 
SaveEdit is also performed on every row of data, unlike FieldEdit that is only performed on one row of data. When an error is received in FieldEdit, the field is turned red, in SaveEdit fields are not turned red