Steps for creating Field,Record,Page,Component and Menu in PeopleSoft

Steps for creating Field,Record,Page,Component and Menu in PeopleSoft

Creating the Fields:
-->Open the Application Designer.
-->Click on File->New
-->In the New Definition Pop Up Window Select Field and double click on it.
-->Select the Field Type as Character.
-->Select the appropriate Field Length (Ex:-20)
-->In the Label ID give the appropriate name (Ex:-AST_HARSHA_EMP_ID)
-->In the Long Name give the appropriate name (Ex:-Employee Name)
-->In the Short Name give the appropriate name (Ex:-EName)
-->Save the Project with appropriate name (Ex:-AST_HARSHA_EMP_ID)
-->Click on Insert-->Click on Current Definition in to project or Hit F7.

Creating a Record: (TBL)
-->Click on File-->New
-->In the New Definition Pop Up Window Select Record and double click on it.
-->Drag and drop the Emp_Id and Emp_Name from the Fields.
-->Double click on the Record's and the Record Field Properties Pop Up Window Opens.
-->In Record Field Properties Pop Up Window Select the Key Checkbox and click on OK.(This is Option which is used to establish the relation)
-->Click on Record Type and select Sql Table radio button.
-->Click on Ok
-->Click on Insert->Click on Current Definition in to project or Hit F7.
-->From the Records select AST_HARSHA_TBL right click and click on Build-->In Build Options select the checkbox's Create Tables in Build Options and Execute SQL now in Build Execute Options
-->Click on Build.
-->After the process getting completed close the Build Progress window
-->Open SQL server
-->Execute the SQL statement by selecting the appropriate database (Ex:-HCMTRA90)
-->select * from PS_AST_HARSHA_TBL (Hit on F5).
Creating a Page: (PNL)
-->Click on File-->New
-->In the New Definition Pop Up Window Select Page and double click on it.
-->Resize the Page by Right click->Page Properties-->Use-->Select the required page size and click on Ok.
-->Drag and Drop the Records
-->Align the page
-->save the page as AST_HARSHA-PNL
-->Click on F7
Inserting the Scrolling : ( Which allows inserting Multiple Values at run time)
-->Click on Insert
-->Click On Scroll Area
-->Double click on the scrolled area.
-->Click on Label
-->Uncheck the Display footer check box.
-->Click on the Properties of Display Title.
-->In the Text enter the Name to be displayed.
-->Click on Ok.
-->Click on File-->New
-->In the New Definition Pop Up Window Select Component and double click on it.
-->Drag and drop the Page Component.
-->Re Name the Item Label (Ex:-Harsha Employee Id)
-->Save it as AST_HARSHA_CMP
-->Then in the Component Properties in the Search Record Field select the file (Ex:-AST_HARSHA_TBL)
-->Click on Ok.
-->Save it as AST_HARSHA_CMP
-->Hit on F7.
-->Select the component file(Ex:-AST_STUDENT_TBL).
-->Right Click and click on Build-->Click on Yes
-->Select the checkbox create tables in Build Options.
-->Select the Radio Button Execute SQL now in Buid Execute Options
-->Click On settings
--> Click On Logging tab
-->Select/enable the Log Settings check Box
-->Click on Ok.
-->Click on Scripts Tab
-->Select the Radio Button Output to single file and in script file names give the path to store the scripts as separate files
-->Click On ok
-->Click On Build.
Creating Menu:
-->Click on File-->New
-->In the New Definition Pop Up Window Select Menu and double click on it.
-->Select Standard from the New Menu and click on Ok.
-->Double click on the Dotted area.
-->In the Bar Item Properties pop Up window Name it as AST_HARSHA_PROCESS
-->Name the label as Harsha.
-->From the component darg and drop the AST_HARSHA_CMP (GBL) in the process sub menu
-->save it as AST_HARSHA_MENU
-->Hit F7
-->Click on File-->Click on save project-->HARSHA_EMP
-->Select the process sub Menu-->Right Click-->Click on register Menu Item
-->Click on next
-->Select Folder Name as AST_HARSHA.
-->OBJECT OWNER ID: HHR (Human Resource)
-->Select the check box Always use default node.
-->Click on Next
-->Click on Select and In Select Permission List -->In Name field give as HCCPFGALLP
-->Click on Next
-->Select the Permission List Check Box
-->Click on Finish.


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