PeopleCode Interview questions

1.     What is the buffer class?
a.     There are four data buffer classes. These are the foundation for accessing Component Buffer data.
b.      Rowset - It is made up of a collection of rows. A component scroll is a rowset.
c.      Row – It is instantiated from the Row class, is a single row of data that consists of one to n records of data.
d.      Record – It is instantiated from the Record Class. It is a single instance of data within a row and is based on a Record definition.
e.     Field – It is instantiated from the Field Class. It is a single instance of data within a record and is based on a field definition.
2.     What diff b/w fieldedit and change?
a.     FieldChange Event: This event is associated with two definitions – Record Field and Component Record Field. The FieldChange event fires on the specific field and row that just changed. It is used to perform processing that results from a field change other than data validation. It is mostly coupled with RowInit PeopleCode. RowInit handles the situation at the time of row initialization, as FieldChange event is not fired at that time. Error or warnings cannot be given in FieldChange
b.     FieldEdit Event: This event is associated with two definitions – Record Field and Component Record Field. This event is mainly used for validation. If the entered data is to be checked then you can write a PeopleCode in this event. The main difference between FieldChange and FieldEdit is that unlike FieldChange Errors and Warnings are valid in FieldEdit and FieldEdit fires after FieldChange event. The FieldEdit event fires on the specific field and row that just changed. In this event only one field is checked. If the application requires all fields to be checked then it is convenient to write the PeopleCode in SaveEdit event.
3.     Diff on SearchSave and SearchInit?
a.     SearchSave: Executed after the user Okays the search dialog. Use: It is used to force an operator to enter value into at least one search field.
b.     SearchInit: When: Generated just before a SearchDialog is displayed. Use: Controls processing before values are entered for search keys in search dialog box.
4.     What is the diff b/w SaveEdit and Fieldedit?
a.     SaveEdit: When: Writing peoplecode for validation for more than one field. It triggers peoplecode for every row of data in its buffers. This includes all panels in a panel group.
b.     FieldEdit: User edits the field. Use: To validate contents of a field
5.     How to implement a Modal Component?
a.     DoModalComponent launches a modal component. The modal component launches from within an originating component. Once the modal component displays, the user can't proceed with changes to the originating component until either accepting or canceling the modal component.
b.     Modal components can be displayed in any of the following action modes: Add, Update/Display, Update/Display All, and Correction. A modal component can be launched from any component, including another modal component. You can use DoModalComponent from a secondary page.
6.     PeopleCode variables (global, component, local, and parameter), method, and property names can now be up to characters long? Ans 1000
7.     DoSave () can be called from one of the following events?
a.     FieldEdit, FieldChange, or MenuItemSelected PeopleCode.
8.     PSWORKLIST record is used for workflow routing. It should contain minimum of?
9.     Which one of the following PeopleCode debugging tools automatically converts values of any data type other than object into string values for viewing during debugging?  WinMessage.
10.  What is the minimum number of objects an object group can consist of? 19
11.  Where do you set PeopleCode trace?
a.     Configuration Manager and application server. We can also do this for app engine at Peopletools-process scheduler- processes (select the app engine name), options tab-choose append- write - value TRACE
12.   What is scroll?
a.     It’s a place where you can show/add the structured data of a table/record. The multiple layers in a scroll show the rows in a record. We multiples scrolls that help us to work with parent and child records.
13.   What is scroll Path?
a.     A scroll path is a construction found in the parameter lists of many component buffer functions, which specifies a scroll level in the currently active page. Additional parameters are required to locate a row or a buffer field at the specified scroll level.
14.  What is scroll select, etc?
a.     ScrollSelect function selects records from a table and loads them into the scroll buffer area of a page. In parent/Child relationships, ScrollSelect chooses all corresponding child rows and inserts them under the next higher-level row. The function requires the specification of the target scroll area, a source record from which to select rows and an optional SQL string. The parameters passed to ScrollSelect vary based on the scroll level at which the function is targeted.
b.     Level 1 ScrollSelect (1, RECORD.target_recname, RECORD.sel_recname);
c.     Level 2 ScrollSelect (2, RECORD.level1_recname, RECORD.target_recname, RECORD.sel_recname);
d.     Level3ScrollSelect (3, RECORD.level1_recname, RECORD.level2_recname, RECORD.target_recname, RECORD.sel_recname);
15.  What is the difference between a Grid and a scroll?
a.     Scroll area is used to maintain parent child relationship we insert grid in low level scroll
b.     Example: assume we have 3 scroll levels in our page level1, level2 and level3 we insert grid in level 3
16.  How many Grids can we insert in a single component or page?
a.     Many at same scroll level
17.  Tell me about component Buffer?
a.     Component stores all page related information in one set of record buffers, organized by scroll level and then by page level. This component buffer consists of rows of buffer fields that hold data for the various records that are associated with page controls, including the primary records, related display records, derived work records, and translate table records.
18.   Which one of the following PeopleCode events should NOT contain the WinMessage function?
a.     SavePreChange
19.   Which one of the following PeopleCode events can run in both two-tier and three-tier environments on either the client or application server?

a.     SavePostChange

Integration Broker Interview questions


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