If you have a page which has level 0 record and a level 1 scroll area .The level 1 scroll area has level 1 and level 2 grids in it, to access a field in the level 2 grid, you need to access the level 1 grid first and then only the level 2 grid field can be accessed, since the level 2 grid cannot be accessed directly . It cannot be accessed even through the scroll area since the whole scroll act as a row and for a level 0 parent row, there can be any number of scroll level data.
/*level 1 scroll : SCROLL_1 (Page field name) level 1 record : REC_LEVEL1 level 2 record : REC_LEVEL2 */ local rowset &Rs1, &Rs2; &Rs1 = GetLevel0()(1).GetRowset(Scroll.REC_LEVEL1); For &i = 1 To &Rs1.ActiveRowCount &Rs2 = &Rs1.GetRow(&i).GetRowset(Scroll.REC_LEVEL2); For &j = 1 To &Rs2.ActiveRowCount &Rs2(&j).ANY_RECORD_IN_LEVEL2.CORRESPONDING_FIELD.Value = ***** **************************** /*DO THE REQUIRED PROCESSING */ **************************** End-For; End-For;
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