Interview Questions

Interview Questions

  1. Difference bet. SQR process and SQR report?
  2. Difference bet. SQR and Crystal Report?
  3. How do you reference global variable in local procedure?
  4. What validations you will write in save post change?
  5. How do you retrieve data from database in peoplecode?
  6. Difference between field change and field edit?
  7. What are the steps and actions in AE?
  8. What event fires when you active and inactive radio button and check box?
  9. Retrieve the max. rows from JOB table?(emplid, empl_rcd, effdate, effseq)
  10. What is effective date?
  11. What are the actions in application designer?
  12. What is effective sequence?
  13. Suppose I have 100 rows in table A and 3 rows in table B. Retrieve the rows from the both tables where 2 rows are same?
  14. What is inner join, outer join and equijoin?
  15. PIA-Jolt is a protocol or server?
  16. About Multiple reports?
  17. What are heading SQC’s?
  18. HRMS Business Process
  19. What is significance of emplid?
  20. If A and B field values are changed, C should be changed which is a derived work record. In which event you will write the code & on which filed?
  21. What is prior value function? In which events you will write this function?
  22. What is –Bnn?
  23. Difference between ps_employee and ps_employment?
  24. Diff. between job code and emplid?
  25. How do you create database in crystal reports?
  26. How do you stop the AE process in the middle if the process aborts or error occurred? How you will restart from the beginning?
  27. What is error and the warning?
  28. Retrieve the data from job table and display birthdate?
  29. Can we open .doc,.txt files in SQR?
  30. What the difference is between ask and input commands?
  31. What are the two stages in SQR program?
  32. Difference between show and display commands?
  33. How do you create a prompt query?


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