1.What is payee?
Ans: This refers both Employees and Non-employees.
2.What is Business Unit?
Ans: An identification code that represent the high level organization of Business Information. We can use a Bus. Unit or represent regional or departmental units with in a larger organization.
3.What is Pay Entity?
Ans: Controlling level with in the system.
Defines the organization making payment to the Payee.
4. What is Setid?
Ans: An identification code that represent a set of control table information or table sets.
5.What is table loading sequence?
Ans: 1. Setting up fundamental HRMS tables.
2. Setting PeopleSoft Human Resource Tables.
3. Setting Tables for PeopleSoft products that are integrated with PeopleSoft Global Payroll.
4. Setting up PeopleSoft Global Payroll core application tables.
6. What is Element?
Ans: This is the smallest component of PeopleSoft Global Payroll, and it is used in defining calculation rules to process Payroll.
Pay items are called as elements using these we build rules that determine what payroll or absence components are calculated on a payee-by-payee basis.
7. What is Process List?
Ans: Determines what elements to be processed during the payrun and order of processing.
Specifies the process in which gross and net pay elements are processed and resolved.
8. What is Payroll Processing?
Ans: 1. Determines which Payee are to be paid for each Payroll run.
2. Running Payroll calculation process.
3. Rerunning the Payroll calculation process, if necessary until you obtain the correct rules.
4. Finalizing the Payroll run.
5. Performed Post Processing functions such as banking, reporting and generating Pay slips.
9. What is Pay Group?
Ans: Logical grouping to quality individual for payment.
10. What is Eligibility Group?
Ans: This is grouping of Element Groups. This indicates the specific element for which a certain Payee population is eligible.
11. What is Element Group?
Ans: This is method of assigning a large number of elements to many eligibility groups with out repeating the elements in each and every Eligibility group.
12. What are Calendars?
Ans: The calendars control who is to be paid and what amount is to be paid and for which time the payment is being made.
13. What is Absence Event?
Ans: The consecutive period of time that Payee is absent for some reason.
14. What is Entitlement?
Ans: The amount of period time-off that a Payee is entitled to take for each category of absence.
15. What is Entitlement Balance?
Ans: The amount of unused Entitlement.
16. Some important reports
Report ID and Report Name | Description | Navigation | Run Control Page |
GP000001 Payroll Result Register | Displays, by payee, the results of a payroll calculation, for earnings, deductions, and/or accumulators. Reports results by segment. A payroll status or Open or Closed appears at the top of the report. Produce after you calculate or finalize a payroll run. | Global Payroll, Absence and Payroll Processing, Payroll Reports, Results Register | GP_GPSQR01_PNL |
GP000002 Absence Result Register | Similar to the Payroll Result Register, but shows the results of a calculated or finalized absence run. | Global Payroll, Absence and Payroll Processing, Absence Reports, Results Register | GP_GPSQR02_PNL |
GP000003 Summary Result Register | Summarizes earnings and deduction totals by department. Run this report only after a payroll or absence run has been finalized. | Global Payroll, Absence and Payroll Processing, Payroll Reports, Results Summary | GP_GPSQR03_PNL |
User-designed generic report no ID. User-designed generic report, no standard report name. | Define additional runtime parameters and run generic reports. | Global Payroll, Absence and Payroll Processing, Create Generic Reports | GP_GENRPT_RC |
17. Some important tables
Table Name | Tables Used | Required Prior? | Comments |
Absence Entitlements | Accumulator, Bracket, Proration Rule, Rounding Rule, Variable | No |
Absence Entitlements | Formula | Yes |
Absence Take | Formula | Yes |
Absence Take | Absence Take, Accumulator, Bracket, Date, Deduction, Duration, Earnings, Variable | No |
Accumulator | Absence Entitlement, Absence Take, Accumulator, Bracket, Date, Duration, Earnings, Formula, Variable | No |
Array | Industry Type | No | This table is used on all element types. |
Array | Category Type | No | This table is used on all element types. |
Array | Bracket | No |
Array | Formula | No |
Array | Variable | Yes |
Bank | None |
Brackets | Rounding Rule | No |
Brackets | Absence Entitlement, Absence Take, Accumulator, Bracket, Date, Deduction, Duration, Earnings, Formula, Variable | No |
Calendar | Run Type, Calendar Period ID | Yes |
Calendar | Bracket, Date, Duration, Formula, Variable | No |
Calendar | Absence Entitlement, Absence Take, Deduction, Earnings, Generation Control Frequency | No |
Calendar Group ID | Pay Entity, Pay Group | Yes |
Calendar Period | None |
Counts | Formula | Yes |
Dates | Bracket, Date, Duration, Formula, Variable | No |
Deductions | Accumulator, Bracket, Deduction, Earnings, Formula, Rate Code, Variable | No |
Deductions | Frequency | No | Frequency is from Human Resources. |
Deductions | Generation Control, Rounding, Proration | No |
Deposit Schedule | None |
Duration | Bracket, Date, Formule, Variable | No |
Earnings | Accumulator, Bracket, Deduction, Earnings, Formula, Rate Code, Variable | No |
Earnings | Frequency | No | Frequency is from Human Resources. |
Earnings | Generation Control, Rounding, Proration | No |
Electronic Transfer Formats | None |
Element Group | Absence Entitlement, Absence Take, Deduction, Earnings | Yes | One Element Type is required. |
Eligibility Group | Element Group | Yes |
Fictitious Calculations | Historical Rule | Yes |
Fictitious Calculations | Variable, Accumulator, Process List | No |
Formula | Absence Entitlement, Accumulator, Array, Bracket, Date, Ded uction, Duration, Earnings, Fictitious Calculcations, Formula, Historical Rule, Proration, Rate Code, Variable | No |
General Ledger Chart Fields | Pay Entity | Yes |
General Ledger Grouping | Pay Entity | Yes |
General Ledger Grouping | Accumulator, Deduction, Earnings | One is required. |
General Ledger Mapping | Pay Entity | Yes |
Generation Control | Action Reason, Generation Control, Frequency, Formula, Run Type | No | Action Reason is from Human Resources. |
Historical Rule | Formula | Yes |
Historical Rule | Absence Entitlement, Accumulator, Bracket, Count, Date, Duration, Earnings, Formula, Rate Code, Variable | No |
| None |
Pay Entity | Source Bank ID | Yes |
Pay Entity | Bracket, Date, Duration, Formula, Variable Pay Group | No |
Pay Entity Source Bank Link | Pay Group | No |
Pay Group | Pay Entity, Eligibility Group, Work Schedule, | Yes | Holiday Schedule and Exchange Rate Types are not Global Payroll tables. |
Pay Group | Rounding Rule, Proration Rule | No |
Process | Accumulator, Section | Yes |
Process | Formula, Variable | No |
Proration Rules | Accumulator, Count, Duration, Formula, Variable | Table requires at least one Element Type. |
Rate Code | Comp Rate Code (compensation rate code) | Yes | Rate Code is from PeopleSoft Human Resources. |
Recipients | Bank | No |
Retro Event Definition | Retro Process Definition | Yes |
Retro Process Definition | None |
Retro Process Overrides | Formula | Yes |
Retro Process Overrides | Accumulator, Deduction, Earnings | No | One Element Type is required. |
Rounding Rule | None |
Run Types | Process | Yes |
Run Types | Time Reporting Code | No |
Schedule Definitions | Schedule Templates | Yes |
Schedule Templates | Workdays | Yes |
Section | Absence Entitlement, Absence Take, Accumulator, Array, Bracket, Count, Date, Deduction, Duration, Earnings, Formula, Rate Code, Variable | Yes | One Element Type is required. |
Segmentation Event Definition | Absence Entitlement, Accumulator, Array, Bracket, Date, Deduction, Earnings, Formula | Yes, if Segment Type = Element. |
Shifts | None |
Source Bank | Bank | Yes |
Source Bank | Form ID Table | Yes, if Country = |
Streams | None |
Task Code Map | Variable | No |
Trigger Definition | Trigger Event ID | Yes |
Variable | None |
Workdays | Shifts | Yes |
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